Monday 4 April 2011

4 APRIL 2011

Today is my first day of internship. My internship started with, I went to a wrong office. I didn't notice that there are two places of TNB, Rawang. At 8.45 am, I arrived at the real office that is at Rawang Integrated Park. In schedule, I have been placed at division of planning. My current mentor a.k.a boss is Pn. Anisah but today Pn. Anisah is not around, she have to go to a meeting at port dickson. So, Mohd Hafizi (engineer of planning) be my mentor for today :-)

This is my table in the office:-

After tidy up my table, Mr. Mohd Hafizi ask me to learn something from the technician there.

Firstly, Mr. Azizul (technician), teach me on the procedure to substitute oil-linked unit (OLU) gear with ring-main unit (RMU) gear. OLU gear is based on oil, it is not suitable to be used nowadays. that's why it had to be substitute with RMU gear that is based on gas. The procedure is:-
(a) Allowance
     - Budget allowance for supervisor, technician, sub-technician and engineer accordingly.
     - The allowance is including food, transport and etc.
     - Most of the allowance is based on day basis except for transport that is based on mileage.
     - the most frequent person at the site is supervisor, followed by sub-technician, technician and lastly engineer.
(b) Planning of what have to be done
     - Remodel the current gear that is OLU into RMU.
     - Buy the RMU.
     - Rent a crane.
     - Rent a lorry.
     - Remove the existing sand.
     - Refill the sand.
(c) Buy cable
     - Buy 1 type of 95mmp and 2 types of 240mmp.
     - The 95mmp cable is from the fuse into transformer in the gear. The 95mmp cable will go to the transformer and at the transformer, the cable will break into 3 that is yellow, blue and red. Neutral wire does not need 95mmp cable.
     - The 240mmp cable is use at the bottom of the gear. In this case, there are 2 switches, that's why is needed 2 cables of 240mmp.

Secondly, I learned from the technician beside of Mr. Azizul. He taught me on how to remodel the gear in the substation from 2+1 into 2+2. This cases happen when there is additional unit of houses in a residence.
(a) As an example the new medium density (MD) is 384 kW.
     # MD = 384 kW
     # in kVA = MD/0.85 (if mix residence, 60%-70%)
     # in amp = MD/0.6111
     # suitable kVA = 750 kVA.
(b) kVA exist is 100, 300, 500, 750 and 1000 kVA.
(c) For the new unit, we must to stack electric pole around accordingly. As minimum as we can, in order to reduce the cost borne by TNB.
(d) If the developer want additional street light, TNB will fully charge the develepor.
(e) Every unit of houses will be charge RM450.
(f) The wire between the electric pole is called 'span'.
(g) We must also take into account the quantity of wire from the electric poles into the unit of houses.
(h) The density of load is increasing by level as example : 2012 - 277 kW
                                                                                      2013 - 326 kW
                                                                                      2014 - 384 kW
(i) We must to calculate the voltage drop of the longest cable, make sure it does not exceeded 5%. As an example: if 430 meter long, the voltage drop is 3.87%
(j) Actually, the actual voltage drop is lower than in the project paper. TNB wants to prepare for the worst case scenario.

That's all I learned for today  =_+

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